*NEW*: Are you suffering from TMD symptoms and find yourself chronically grinding your teeth or perhaps even clenching your teeth?
Do you suffer from tension type headaches?
Factoids about TMD:
TMD is multifactorial in nature with a combination of factors that lead to overuse or abuse of the TMJ complex resulting in pain.
Pain is described as being located around the ear which may radiate to the face, neck or shoulders and is often associated with mastication (chewing).
Can manifest as an atypical headache.
Bite misalignment can result in painful clicking, popping or grating sounds when masticating and can be associated with limited movement or locking of the jaw.
#1 cause is bruxism (grinding of the teeth) and the muscles are involved demonstrating enlargement, tenderness and spasms.
The central nervous system is intimately involved subconsciously in producing parafunctional habits like bruxing and clenching.
Factoids about Tension Type Headaches (TH):
Patients describe TH as being a constant pressure like sensation as if the head was being squeezed bilaterally on both sides.
It may present as mild to moderate in severity and both episodic (minutes) to chronic (days) in nature.
Most common causes include clenching your teeth (#1 cause), stress, irregular meal times, sleep deprivation, uncomfortable posturing, eyestrain and dehydration.
The majority of TH have an anatomical origin or involve the temporalis and/ masseter muscles.
TH accounts for 90% of headaches.
3% of the population may be inflicted with a TH at any one time.
Discover if the targeted therapeutic power of BOTOX® treatment is right for you.
With clinical examination and the use of a Myotronics K7 EMG, Dr. Rocca can determine if treatments directed specifically towards hyperactive masseter and temporalis muscles can improve your daily quality of life.
To learn more and to book your consultation, please contact us at 519-491-7777 or by email at info@dentistryatthepoint.ca.

Chargepoint Level 2 EV Charging
In support of green initiatives for a better environment, our office is proud to announce we will soon be offering complimentary Level 2 Chargepoint EV charging station for patients during their visit at our office. Ask us about this service at your next appointment.

Our Philosophy
You’re among friends — and neighbours! — at Dentistry at The Point where our patients are considered family, we value your patronage and we'd rather consider your dental appointment as a visit!
One of the best parts of setting up Point Edward's very first dental practice is that we’ll get to provide dental care for everyone in the community. We also serve many patients from Sarnia, Bright's Grove, Corunna, Camlachie and other communities in Lambton County.
With nearly 25 years of clinical experience let Dr. Rocca and his talented team help you optimize your oral health!